查看完整版本: 票選CAPCOM最希望看到的下一個作品為CAPCOM vs SNK 3
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shinkuupoken 發表於 2014-3-10 12:28 PM

票選CAPCOM最希望看到的下一個作品為CAPCOM vs SNK 3

Fans want to see Capcom vs. SNK 3 next, followed by Darkstalkers 4
http://media.eventhubs.com/images/2014/03/08_cvs3poll.jpgBack in January we asked our readers what major franchise they wanted to see Capcom work on next, giving them 6 predetermined choices total, along with a write-in category.

The results overwhelmingly pointed to a new entry in the Capcom vs. SNK series, coming in at 31.3% of the votes cast.

If you'd like to see how the rest of the franchises did, from Darkstalkers to Marvel vs. Capcom 4, hit the jump to see the complete breakdown.

Which fighting game would you like to see from Capcom next?
1. Capcom vs. SNK 3: 492 votes / 31.3%

2. Darkstalkers 4: 251 votes / 16.0%

3. Street Fighter Alpha 4: 242 votes / 15.4%

4. Street Fighter 5: 208 votes / 13.2%

5. Rival Schools 3: 165 votes / 10.5%

6. Marvel vs. Capcom 4: 131 votes / 8.3%

7. Something else (Explain in the comments below): 81 votes / 5.2%

Total votes: 1,570

Voting has closed


Image from Stikyfinkaz-003.

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andylikenba 發表於 2016-9-18 04:04 PM

玩過之前的capcom vs snk,相信畫面會越來越讚低........{:31:}

maison1978 發表於 2017-5-16 03:34 PM

我也很期待,不然SNK的KOF 14畫面能看嗎............

wolfman7 發表於 2017-5-27 11:32 PM

希望會變得更好,CAPCOM vs SNK 3,讚啦

mimiman 發表於 2018-11-10 10:11 PM

應該很棒 可以賺錢的事為什麼不做!<br><br><br><br><br><div></div>

99532008 發表於 2019-1-14 01:13 AM

capcom vs snk

tow89472 發表於 2019-4-7 07:30 PM


andylikegsl 發表於 2019-9-9 10:34 PM

Marvel vs. Capcom 倒是蠻期待的....{:31:}

glyuri 發表於 2020-2-13 09:07 PM


abc1230198 發表於 2021-7-19 09:18 AM

前兩集capcom vs snk也不太喜歡玩,只是人物吸引<br><br><br><br><br><div></div>
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